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Thank you for your submissions!

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

A huge thank you to everyone who has sent us a short story, we did not expect to receive so many submissions, at the last count we had over 120 stories!

Over the next few months our editors will be reading submissions and selecting a stories for inclusion in the upcoming anthology which will be published in Autumn 2024.

If your story is selected we will be in touch via email. Many apologies but we cannot respond to all submissions individually as we are a very small team, nor unfortunately can we offer individual comment or guidance.

Submissions are still open! The deadline for stories is December 20th 2023

Behind the Scenes ...

Design work has already started on the anthology which will be published as an illustrated, limited edition hardcover of 300 copies. This is our first collection of short stories which we intend to become a series of titles in the same format as this one. We are delighted to have already secured some exceptional stories from some of the leading horror authors working today and will look forward to revealing more over the coming months!

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5 則留言

Joy Meng
Joy Meng

does it have to be a story passed down to you?


A. A. Rubin
A. A. Rubin

Do you accept simultaneous submissions?


Lauren Reynolds
Lauren Reynolds

How do I submit a short story or poem?



Are you still accepting new submissions?


Yes, submissions are open until December 20th, thank you for your interest.

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